Eating Disorders in Men and Boys

It is estimated that 10-15% of eating disorders affect men, however the truth is that the statistics are unclear and likely to be higher.   Bias towards a gender stereotype of eating disorders being a ‘female problem’ means that it is likely eating disorders in men goes undiagnosed as discussion around eating disorders is less accessible to males and the female centric bias causing confusion and shame. 

Historically males have been celebrated for achievement and virility with pictures of muscles and strength and however as culture and media changes so does the image of men.  Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, ARFID and disordered eating all affect males.  

When considering initial presentation in males the interest in food weight and shape can be masked as an interest in ‘fitness’. This might be attending the gym more frequently or training harder for a sport. But the key features excessive worry about food intake, weight and shape and avoidance of food groups coupled with weight or shape, remain clear clinical features. 

Our Specialist Team

  • Alexia Dempsey

    Registered Dietitian
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

  • Jemma Meeson

    Specialist Systemic Psychotherapist
    Clinic Director